South Central Jurisdiction 2024-2028 Board of Director Nominees
Tanya Barlow
New Mexico Conference
Tanya Barlow Bio
Tanya Barlow fell in love with United Women in Faith after her first Mission u 36 years ago. Here was an organization that had a purpose that made a difference to people's lives, and now healing creation is also a part of its mission.
In 2005, Tanya’s spouse, now retired UMC clergy, was appointed at Ruidoso CUMC, and Tanya continued facilitating Sunday School classes for adults, and organizing children's church. In addition, she became the unit vice president, and she loves programming.
Tanya retired from her career as a physical therapist in February 2020, and then picked up her activity in the UWF organization to serve and fulfill the purpose. She became the conference vice president and she loves it, loves it.
Cathy Blackwood
Arkansas Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Served conference leadership positions: Arkansas Conference UWF President, Vice President, Treasurer and Mission u Treasurer. District leadership positions include: Northwest District Treasurer, District President. Currently serving as treasurer for local UWF unit at Central UMC Rogers
UMC Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Member of Central UMC in Rogers, AR. Member of the Missions team, secretary for the Church Council, and is a certified Lay Servant. Member of the Northwest District Board of Church Location and Building. Served as a member to Annual Conference and Northwest District as a Member-at-large. Currently serving as an at-large member of the Arkansas Conference Board of Laity
Career and Community Experience
On staff part-time as bookkeeper for Central UMC and Church Administrator at Grace UMC in Rogers.
Marleene Calvin
Arkansas Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Served the Local Unit as President, secretary and treasurer. District positions include Secretary, social action coordinator, nominations and chair nominations. Conference positions include Secretary, social action coordinator, nomination, chair nominations and delegate for the SCJ. Served as Assistant Dean, Dean, Secretary, Business Manager and Assistant Registrar for School of Christian Mission and Mission u.
UMC Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Member of McCabe Chapel United Methodist Church in North Little Rock, Arkansas. Serves the local church as a communion steward, trustee member, SPRC committee member, choir member, usher, administrative board secretary and lay member to Arkansas Annual Conference. Participates in the PASSPLUS program, distributing school supplies, hygiene and food baskets to low-income families in the community. Served on the conference nominating committee, Arkansas Conference Secretary Global Ministries and on boards and agencies in the former North Arkansas Conference. Currently serve as treasurer for Arkansas Black Methodist for Church Renewal.
Career and Community Experience
Retired from AT&T in 2008 with 35 years of service. Member and volunteer at Patrick Hays Senior Fitness Center where lead several classes. Member of the Hays Commission and currently serve as the Vice Chair.
Family and other details
Married to Jonathan and we have one daughter.
Carolyn Cobb
Northwest Texas Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Held many positions in United Women in Faith at the local, district, and conference level. Currently serving out my four-year tenure as Conference President.
Career and Community Experience
Background is commercial agriculture and 40 years of teaching in a public high school.
Family and other details
Lives on a farm in the Texas Panhandle
Karen Dunlap
Great Plains Conference
Involvement in United Methodist Women: Karen became involved immediately as unit secretary and then chair of Morning Circle. The next year she became vice president of Wichita East district and later Wichita East District president. She became involved in missions and learned about the power and faith of UMW from attending Mission u.
Most Meaningful Experience: The Great Plains conference was united by three conferences coming together. Karen had the privilege to be the second president of the Great Plains conference. She traveled Kansas and Nebraska not only to district and conference meetings, but as an instructor for three separate Mission u events celebrating the 150 years of United Methodist Women. Karen looks forward to being a co-dean for Mission u, a time when we come together and learn as we share our faith. Karen thanks her sisters in faith as they make this journey together.
Pat Dye
Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Holds the position of Chair of Spiritual Growth of local unit. Holds the position of Conference Secretary of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference.
UMC Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Member of New Hope Indian United Methodist Church in Dewey, OK of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference.
Family and other details
Enrolled member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.
Linda Elms
Northwest Texas Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Joined United Methodist Women shortly after that became the 'new' name. Served many positions: conference president, conference spiritual growth, conference program resources, business manager for South Central Regional School of Mission, two years as Program Advisory Group, VP for the South Central Jurisdiction and as registrar for the South Central Jurisdiction Meeting the following Quadrennium as well as various district and local offices.
UMC Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Elected as 1st alternate delegate to General Conference in 2012 and 2016 as well as Jurisdictional delegate both those years. Currently serving on the Conference Laity Committee.
Career and Community Experience
Retired public school teacher and have worked in churches as the Children's director.
Family and other details
Loves to travel around, accompanying daughter as she does volunteer work with her professional organization.
Rosie Farmer
Missouri Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
10 years working with communication and technology for Missouri Conference UWF including presenting a workshop at UWF Assembly, attending National Seminar and Leadership Development Days, and assisting Mission u instructors with technology. Currently serving as Dean of Mission u
UMC Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Member of Buckner United Methodist Church in Buckner, MO.
Career and Community Experience
Works with Baby Grace, a ministry in the Kansas City area for families with small children to offer grace, diapers and necessities. Served 4 years as the secretary of the founding board of directors for the Baby Grace Foundation. Currently works at the University of Missouri- Kansas City in Student Affairs. Previously worked in the local school district for 17 years in multiple capacities.
Family and other details
Married to Patrick and have 3 furry children, Otis, Aria, and Nacho.
Cheryll Felder
New Mexico Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Served as President, Co-Present, Vice President and Secretary Program Resources in local Unit. At the District level, served as President and Vice-President. Served as President, Chair Nominations, Nomination Committee member, member of Charter for Racial Justice for the Rio Texas Conference. Served on the Core Planning Team Additional Member of the South Central UWFaith Jurisdiction.
UMC Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Member of Myrtle Avenue and St. James UMC. Served as the organist for Myrtle Avenue and St. James – Myrtle for over twenty years and currently the pianist for Tobin Park UMC in El Paso. Chaired of the One Board and Administrative Council at the local church level. Member of the Engaging team for the New Mexico Conference, Chair for the Conference EMLC/Race and Religion Committee and member of the Wesley Foundation Board – University of Texas at El Paso
Career and Community Experience
Employed as the Executive Director of Administrative Services where I am responsible for the Department of Student and Parent Services. 40 year career includes: District Attendance Office, ESL teacher, Chapter I teacher, Elementary Counselor, High School Counselor, High School Assistant Principal, High School Principal; and 7 & 8 Social Studies teacher in Socorro ISD. I am looking forward to retiring in May with over 40 years of service.
Family and other details
Mother of one adult son. Enjoys reading, music,, family history research, traveling, listening to music, gardening, and watching movies.
Charlotte Gooday
Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference
Charlotte Gooday is Native American, from the Comanche Tribe of Oklahoma and a descendant of the Ft. Sill Apache Tribe of Oklahoma. She’s a member of Little Washita United Methodist Church in Fletcher, OK, where she teaches Sunday School for students age 2 through 10 and has done so for the past 17 years. She has been a lay servant for the past two years.
Charlotte has been an elementary school teacher for 35 years at Riverside Indian School in Anadarko, OK and is a grandmother to six.
Lynne Grandstaff
Central Texas Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Member of United Women in Faith for over 30 years. Served at the local level as Circle Chair, Treasurer and President. Served in the District as a member of the Committee on Nominations, Secretary and President. At the conference level has served member of the Committee on Nominations, Coordinator for Education & Interpretation and President for the Central TexasConference UMW. Currently serving her final year as Secretary for South Central Jurisdiction UWFaith Leadership Team.
UMC Leadership and Volunteer Experience
For Central Texas Conference, served on the Board of Ordained Ministry and is a member of and secretary for the Board Trustees. Member of the CTC Connectional Table and serves as recording secretary for the Unification Location Team. A member of Red Oak FUMC, she teaches the adult Sunday School class, is former Chair, member of the Outreach Hospitality and Mission Team, sings in the choir, coordinates the Church Directory, and enjoys helping with VBS every summer.
Career and Community Experience
Served on the PTA and as a Trustee for Red Oak ISD for 15 years and was a founding board member of the ROISD Education Foundation and currently serves as the secretary. Belongs to the Rotary Club of Waxahachie as a member of the Board and Secretary.
Family and other details
Married to husband, Hugh, for 51 years. Together, they own and operate hlh&r, lp Metals Recycling in Waxahachie, TX. Have 2 grown sons, 2 daughters-in-love and a granddaughter, 4 year-old Miriam.
Cynthia Harry
North Texas Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Member of the 2020-2024 South Central Jurisdiction United Women in Faith, Committee on Nominations (CON). Served on the North Texas Conference UMW CON for 4 years and as Chair for 2 of the 4 years. Jeld the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Spiritual Growth Coordinator in her local UMW unit. Served the Metro District UMW as a member of the Membership, Nurture, and Outreach Committee.
UMC Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Member of Hamilton Park United Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas. A Certified Lay Servant and served the local church as Age Level Coordinator, and as a volunteer with the Food Pantry, Vacation Bible School, and the Children’s Ministry. An active member of Sunday School, the Mature Adults Ministry and Lay Member to the North Texas Annual Conference (NTC). Received an award from Garland National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for being a DEDICATED LAY SERVANT/DEACON. Honored in 2022 by “By Faith Magazine” as a Crystal Stair Mother of the Year.
Career and Community Experience
Worked in mechanical engineering for over 27 years and a Life Member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Family and other details
Married to Dwight, a Certified Lay Minister in the NTC assigned to Hamilton Park UMC, has 2 adult children, Dwight II and Camille.
Kelly G Loeb
Missouri Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Current: Central Jurisdiction United Women in Faith Communication Team Member, and the Technical Advisor and Website Administrator for the Missouri Conference United Women in Faith.
Associate Dean, Mission u
Communications Coordinator, Missouri Conference
Communications Coordinator, Heartland District
Presenter, Soul Care, Leadership Development Days 2023
Career and Community Experience
Master of Social Work and Bachelor of Arts, English
Employed as the Community Outreach Coordinator for the University of Kansas Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Serves on the community leadership board of the Alzheimer's Association - Heart of America Chapter and in recognition of her community service, Kelly was named Ms. JuneteenthKC in June 2021. She is a member of several philanthropic organizations, including Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and The Links, Incorporated.
Carolyn May
Great Plains Conference
Involvement in United Methodist Women: Carolyn was greatly influenced by her mother and other women who were leaders in United Methodist Women at the local, district and conference levels. The positive impact of these and other women continues. The missions and ministries of United Women in Faith are still widespread in transforming the world.
Most Meaningful Experience: Tools that help Carolyn be better equipped to serve through Jesus Christ are her experiences and leadership roles in United Women in Faith and as lay leader and certified lay speaker at the local, district, and conference levels; her experiences in serving God in the United States and in Europe; and her experiences as an elementary school through college educator. They have all equipped Carolyn through the guidance of the Holy Spirit with tools in creative and critical thinking and in working with others.
Amy O'Neil
Rio Texas Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
UWF member from the Rio Texas Conference, Hill Country District, and local unit president in Fredericksburg, TX. Mentors teenagers and raised money to take some of them to UWF Assembly.
Career and Community Experience
Retired as a public servant in education with many years teaching preschoolers with special needs.
Yolanda Perry
Oklahoma Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Worked with the UMW National office as one of the SCJ Guides with the Environmental and Economic Justice team. Teaches and leads at Mission U. Serves as the Oklahoma United Women of Faith Mission Chair and Spiritual Growth-Co Chair at St. Luke’s United Women in Faith.
UMC Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Serves as Lay Speaker for Cornerstone OKC. Hired as Pastoral Care Minister at Sunnylane UMC in 2009 and joined the United Methodist Church in 2008. Worked with Kairos Prison Ministry, Kairos Torch and Emmaus Ministry Team.
Career and Community Experience
Retired from a 30 year career at Presbyterian Hospital in Oklahoma City where served as an IV Room technician, trained in quality assurance and worked with the indigent care pharmacy. Currently COVID 19 Coordinator, Pharmacy TB Tech and buyer for the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Owner/Stylist of Divine Divas Hair Salon
Stephanie Pounds
Texas Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Organized a new unit of United Methodist Women in 2020. Member of Texas Conference leadership team as one of two Communication Officers where she revamped the website, reinstated a regular newsletter, and took care of the Conference social media.
UMC Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Taught adult and children’s Sunday School classes in the local church, accompanied choirs, played the handbells, and served as a member of the Staff Parish Relations Committee.
Career and Community Experience
Now retired, spent career in the training field, most of which was at Hewlett-Packard Enterprise as an instructional designer, creating technical product training for sales and support teams, and as a training program manager.
Family and other details
Married to her husband, Jeff, for 40 years. They have two grown sons and five grandchildren.
Jo Ellen Reed
Oklahoma Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Held various leadership positions locally as well as at the District, Conference and Jurisdiction levels for United Women of Faith. Previously served as Dean and Assistant Dean of Mission u.
UMC Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Member of Sunny Lane UMC since 1972 and on staff since 2009.
Career and Community Experience
Jo Ellen is retired from the State of Oklahoma working primarily at Children’s Memorial Hospital.
Family and other details
Enjoys time with her family and on the beach.
Dorothy Ringer-Sumner
Texas Conference
UWFaith Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Serves as the social action coordinator in the Texas Conference and Vice president of her United Women in Faith unit.
UMC Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Member of the Texas Annual Conference Board of Church and Society. Serves as a certified lay servant of the United Methodist Church.and the local church’s finance secretary. Member if mission teams traveling to Jamaica, Belize, Tanzania and Kenya.
Career and Community Experience
A retired educator who volunteers as a trained trusted health ambassador to educate, engage and raise awareness around public health services and resources. Works with Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service to develop and implement educational programs that address the most critical issues affecting Texans.
Family and other details
Enjoys gardening and both continental and international travel with family.