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Online Voting

Due to the cancelation of our 2020 quadrennial calling u event, we will hold electronic elections this year. Below you will find bios and links to videos (click on their photos) from the director nominees. Here is a brief summary of the voting process:


  • Two (2) Board of Director nominees representing each Conference of the South Central Jurisdiction are on the ballot.

  • The nominees are listed in alpha order and assigned a number. 

  • Election requires a 50% majority plus one of valid ballots cast.

  • The South Central Jurisdiction will elect four (4) Directors and one (1) Alternate.

  • The voting delegates include: Bishops, Directors/PAG, SCJ Leadership Executive Team, the Representative Deaconess/Home Missioner, and Conference Voting Delegates.


Refer to the specific voting instructions from National that you will receive by email on how and when to access the online voting website to cast your votes.


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Darlene R. Alfred

Central Texas Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women:  Darlene is a member of the Program Advisory Group (PAG) representing the Central Texas Conference. Previously she served as Conference Social Action Coordinator, District Social Action Coordinator, District Vice President and local Social Action Coordinator. In addition, she served as Chair of the planning team for the annual Texas United Methodist Women’s Legislative Event for two years. Darlene is active in the Deborah Circle at her local unit, a group formed to focus on Social Action/Racial Justice issues by engaging younger women and providing a platform for those areas that most concern and effect their daily lives. 


Most Meaningful Experience: After hearing of the death of Atatiana Jefferson, a young, African American female, fatally shot in her own home, her conference and National UMW banded together to form a coalition of community leaders and spearheaded the What’s Next Rally and Vigil. It was a powerful example of the United Methodist Women putting faith into action.

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Deaconess Cindy Andrade Johnson

Rio Texas Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: Cindy has been involved in UMW since age 18. Her mom and grandmother were United Methodist Women. Her mother encouraged her to read UMW books, which helped her at the Units and District resource person. Her love for studying and reading has been reinforced by powerful, bold United Methodist Women. She has served on local, district, conference, jurisdiction mission teams and on the program advisory group of UMW learning leadership skills along the way. In 2009 she was commissioned a Deaconess. In 2010, Cindy served as UMW Kyung Za Yim public witness intern for immigration and civil rights.


Most Meaningful Experience: Serving as a United Methodist Women Kyung Za Yim public witness intern for immigration and civil rights has been her most meaningful experience. Education and strong United Methodist women taught her to love and see the world through another lens, to work with youth, women and children in the margins, and advocate for just systems as a Deaconess.

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Peggy Ann Arensdorf 

New Mexico Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: Peggy has been involved in UMW since 1983 at the local, district and conference level in the California-Pacific, Rocky Mountain and New Mexico conference. At the local level she was chairperson of local circles, treasurer, secretary and president.  At the district level she was on the nominating committee and program resources.  At the conference level she served as secretary, Chair of Nominations, Treasurer and point of contact for the Legacy Fund. She attended six Assemblies, Leadership Development Day events and numerous other UMW events to enhance her knowledge of the organization.


Most Meaningful Experience: Her most meaningful experiences as a United Methodist Woman are the friendships that she made in multiple conferences and catching up with these women at events such as LDD and Assembly. These women have enhanced her life for nearly 40 years and will continue to do so.

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Lynn R. Baker

Arkansas Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women:
Currently Lynn serves as a Director on the national board of United Methodist Women and as President of her local unit. Experience includes service as Conference President, Secretary of Program Resources, Mission u study leader, Assembly workshop leader and volunteer coordinator at National Mission Institution Camp Aldersgate.


Most Meaningful Experience:  As a United Methodist Woman, her most meaningful experience is the amazing relationships she has with bold, courageous women throughout the world. She says this includes a sense of awe that we are blessed by the Legacy of the women before us and that we are part of something so much bigger than any of us.

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Minerva Briones

Rio Texas Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: Minerva was born in Nuevo Laredo Tamaulipas, Mexico, and came to this country in 1983, with her husband as a Pastor of the former Rio Grande Conference. Her first experience with UMW was when Rio Grande had their 50thAnniversary in October 1983, and she fell in love with the mission work. Since then she has worked in different UMW levels. At the Local Level she served as Vice-President, President, Social Action, Education & Interpretation. At the District Level she served as Treasurer, Membership, Communications, and District President 4 years plus one in the transition of the Conference merger. At the Conference level she served in Membership and Communications. At the Jurisdictional level, she was member of the CON. Currently she is the Language Coordinator for her Conference.

Most Meaningful Experience: Minerva attended Assembly 2014 in Kentucky for the first time and participated in the Ubuntu days, the march through the streets with signs. She helped with the Communion Service and enjoyed their keynote Speaker, Hillary Clinton!Because of her involvement with UMW, she fights for justice and volunteers with immigrants (Moms and children) as translator with the Attorneys in the Dilley Detention Center.

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Marleene Calvin

Arkansas Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women:

LOCAL: President, Treasurer, and recently elected President for 2020-2022.

DISTRICT: Secretary, Social Action Coordinator, Committee on Nominations and Chair of Nominations.

CONFERENCE: Secretary, Social Action Coordinator and Committee on Nominations.  Attended National Seminar, represented the Arkansas Conference accompanying six teens to the 2000 Teen and Young Women’s Conference in Chicago, IL. In 2008, Marleene served as the Dean for the Arkansas School of Christian Mission and currently serves as Assistant Registrar for Mission u.  She previously was a voting delegate to the South Central Jurisdiction Quadrennial event and a Director Nominee.  Currently she serves a second quadrennial as the Arkansas Conference Secretary of Global Ministries.  


Most Meaningful Experience:  Marleene’s first meaningful experience was after Ms. Elnora Campbell, now deceased, persistently invited her to a United Methodist Women’s meeting at her local church.  Her involvement took off from that point forward. Attending her first assembly excited her to the point of attending every event, thereafter, including participating at Mission u in every aspect of the studies and plenaries, serving on the planning team as Assistant Registrar, and representing the Board of Global Ministries.

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Wendy Campbell

North Texas Conference

Involvement of United Methodist Women: Wendy joined UMW in 1990, and has served on local, district and conference leadership teams, attended Jurisdiction events, a seminar and six Assemblies. Positions held: Circle Leader, Local Membership Coordinator & Communications Coordinator, Marketplace committee (local fundraiser), Local President, District VP-Programming, Texas UMW Legislative Event for 7 years, Conference MNO officer, organized conference delegation to the National Gathering of Young Women, served on the School of Christian Mission Dean Team, Dean for 2003, Registrar for West Gulf School, and Standing Rules Chair. As Conference Communications officer she created and maintained a dynamic website, a member database and professional emails, direct to all members with online event registration. 

Most Meaningful Experience: Her involvement in developing Bold Conversations! where members explore current issues and how faith influences their response to them. Her local group invites the church and community. She arranged three speakers, including one clergy, a moderator for the evening. Topics have included: Climate Justice, Refugees Among Us, Civic Engagement, Immigration, Human Trafficking, Reflections from the Border, Homeless Teens, and Food Insecurity. Rather than avoiding difficult issues, they bring experts to boldly guide the conversation.

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Carolyn Celestine

Missouri Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women:  Carolyn has been an active member of UMW for over 40 years. She is presently Treasurer of the SCJ team and her local UMW unit. She previously served as Coordinator of the Missouri Conference Green Team Task Force, President and Secretary of her local UMW unit, Secretary/Treasurer on the Board of St. James Place, reviewed books for the reading program for the Women’s Division, Treasurer for the Missouri Conference and School of Missions, business manager for West Gulf Regional School, Treasurer for Heartland Central District; Secretary and Chair of Legislative Event for the Missouri West Conference, and member of the Pastor Pension Committee for the Missouri West Conference.

Most Meaningful Experience: Her most meaningful experience as a United Methodist Woman was attending her first Assembly in Kansas City.  She was totally awed by the whole experience–from registering people from all over the world, witnessing the spectacular performers and speakers, to being moved by listening to over 5,000 women sing How Great Thou Art. She knew then that she had to not only be a part of this organization but to work and put heart and soul into the mission of UMW.

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Pat Dye

Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: Pat’s involvement in the UMW began at her local church. She has worked side-by-side with different generations of women on all levels of UMW, active in missions, finishing one project and immediately beginning another, learning much from each other. As Conference President, she strives to be an example and learn from past presidents and is inspired by the hard work the women in her conference have and are accomplishing. Pat says UMW has helped her gain knowledge and accept new challenges with confidence. 


Most Meaningful Experience: Her work with UMW began very early in life, as Pat recalls going to functions with her mom, grandmothers, and aunt, not knowing at the time that it was the ‘Women’s Society of Christian Service.’ She knows that the women in her life would be proud and happy that she has carried on their legacy in fulfilling the UMW purpose. They are her inspiration and role models as well as the women she works with today.  

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Marjorie S. Franklin

Louisiana Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: Marjorie has been involved in UMW since Jr. High, often chauffeuring her mother and friends to local and district events. As the years passed, she became more involved in UMW on all levels: Local Positions: Committee on Nominations Member, Secretary. District Positions: Committee on Nominations Member, Historian, Spiritual Growth Chair. Conference Positions: Committee on Nominations Member, Spiritual Growth Chair, Conference President.


Most Meaningful Experience: Her most meaningful experience as a United Methodist Woman has been being able to serve as the Louisiana Conference President for 2 terms. This was a humbling experience for her knowing that so many of her sisters saw in her the ability to step out of her comfort zone and lead; growing in faith, growing in love, and certainly growing in spirit.

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Margarett Jane Goodson 

Texas Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: When born, Margarett was given a lifetime membership in the Women’s Society of Christian Service and thus considers herself a United Methodist Woman her whole life even though she didn’t become active for forty years. She has been the Texas Conference Treasurer for three years. Before that, she represented the Central North District as President for two years, Treasurer for six years, Social Action Coordinator for two years, and Secretary of Program Resources for two and a half years.  She also served four years as Conference Secretary of Program Resources. As a member of her local unit, she was President for four years.  While serving the Conference as Secretary of Program Resources, she served on the Nominating Committee for the SCJ Regional School of Missions.  


Most Meaningful Experience: Growing up in a military family, she heard her Mother often tell about “School of Missions.” She finally got her first opportunity to attend the summer of 2000 and helped the Secretary of Program Resources for several years. Then she was elected to that position. Margarett always finds it fun and challenging to “decorate” the book room to match the different study themes.

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Lila Hoobler

Northwest Texas Conference

As a preschooler, I began my association with a Methodist women’s group by attending WSCS with Mother. There I enjoyed learning from and playing with so many different children.  That experience continues today–primarily with women rather than children. On the local level, I have been vice-president, Spiritual Growth Coordinator, on Committee on Nominations and am currently President.   I have served District as Social Action chairperson, vice-president, and president.  I am currently chairperson of conference Committee on Nominations.


I have enjoyed serving on the conference leadership team as district president and now as CON chair.  Being on CON has enabled me to attend LDD in St. Louis and Tempe.  What an honor to be chosen to attend National Seminar in Nashville several years ago. Spiritual Growth Retreat, MissionU, LDD, and Legislative Event in Austin are highlights of my UMW year. 


If I must choose my most meaningful UMW experience, it is National Assembly.  St. Louis, Louisville, Columbus----the women from many countries, the pageantry, music, dances, the local dress.  The break-out sessions, speakers, information, calls for action, enthusiasm, the exhibits and displays.  All this among women with a common purpose: stepping out in faith to serve women, children, and youth.


Even though most of our events have been cancelled since March, I look forward to working, traveling, networking with my UMW sisters to make our world better.








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Daryl Junes Joe 

New Mexico Conference

Involvement with United Methodist Women:  Daryl has been with the UMW since the 80’s in Shiprock, New Mexico.  She served as UMW President at her local church. She also helped establish local UMW units in the Navajo Four Corners region, served on the Nominating Committee and the Navajo Language Coordinator for the New Mexico District. She currently serves as a National Director, working to raise awareness for her fellow Native American women. As a Director she served on the General Conference Act of Repentance Committee which addresses issues surrounding Native American communities such as racial injustice, supporting campaigns to end prejudice, and taking action to reparations. She was appointed to represent the National UMW on the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women which addresses clergy misconduct in the church relating to sexual assault and harassment. 


Most Meaningful Experience:  She is grateful for the opportunity to serve as a Director and raise awareness to other women and the world about her Native Sisters. Whatever she has learned from her travels, the meetings and conversations, she brought back to her people and taught them that they matter. First of all, many of her native sisters are unaware of what UMW is about, they attend church and tithe but are unaware of the in-house programs as well as international programs, others in the church also have questions. It is wonderful to share with them the wide array of services UMW performs nationally and internationally for women, children and youth. Their health and welfare for families is a priority concern and the efforts to make changes and improve member’s surroundings is paramount for UMW to remain active with faith, love and ACTION.

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Jerrie E. Lindsey 

Oklahoma Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: Jerrie, a lifelong UMC member, has been a UMW member since age 19 while attending Oklahoma University. The Goodrich UMW saw potential in her, a very young, new member and elected her Treasurer. Subsequently, she was a UMW member in Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico serving in several offices including president, treasurer, and District President in Oklahoma. In 2010 Jerrie with help from Barnard Memorial UMW, started a Christian club in her town’s high school. The Students With A Mission (SWAM) Club, emphasized students choosing “missionary” as their vocation and being missionaries in high school. Jerrie has attended Mission u many times in Oklahoma since 1997, where she taught the “How is it With Your Soul” study in July 2014. Jerrie also attended many District and Annual Conference UMW conferences, Spiritual Growth weekends, SCJ Conference and Assembly.


Most Meaningful Experience: Jerrie’s most meaningful experience was attending and being consecrated a Deaconess at Assembly 2014, in Louisville, Kentucky. All through the process of Deaconess Core classes and going to Assembly, she felt supported, encouraged, and prayed for by local, District and Conference UMW sisters. They blessed her by filling a charter bus to attend Assembly and came to the early morning Consecration in their green OKUMW shirts. 

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Paulette Moore-Hall

Texas Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: Paulette’s first experience with UMW was several years ago when she was awarded a scholarship to attend the School of Christian Mission, now Mission u. It was a life changing experience and gave her the courage to join a community of women and actively participate in fulfilling the mission of UMW’s Purpose. She is currently serving as President of the Texas Conference UMW, which has given her opportunities to prayerfully encourage women to share their UMW mission ministry stories, promote the concepts of mission, and extend invitations to other women to join our community. She is also serving as Legacy Fund Liaison, facilitating workshops encouraging women to make an impact by helping to build a legacy for another 150 years through their financial generosity which will help to grow the Legacy Endowment Fund. Other leadership responsibilities include faithfully serving as Conference and District Treasurer and Mission u study leader.


Most Meaningful Experience: Paulette’s most meaningful experience as a United Methodist Woman is sharing the love and light of Jesus Christ, putting faith, hope, and love into action doing mission ministry making a difference in the lives of women children and youth. She says fellowship with her sisters has enriched their lives as they boldly use opportunities transcending boundaries to fulfill God’s mission. She is grateful for the foundation and examples set by her foremothers, humbled to do her part by making a commitment to continue a heritage sharing a vision beyond 150 years.

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Louise Niemann 

Great Plains Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: Louise is a first generation UMW. She is the Chair of the Committee of Nominations for SCJ UMW and serves on the Board of Directors for the National Mission Institution, Epworth Village, York NE. She is the COSROW representative for the Great Plains Conference. Louise is a former PAG, chairing the Reading Program committee during her term. She served as president at both the district and conference levels and on the Mission u planning team. Addressing environmental justice, Louise Niemann met with the “Cowboy and Indian Alliance” in O’Neill, Nebraska to discuss the proposed crossing of the Keystone XL pipeline through the Ogallala Aquifer. Louise also traveled to Standing Rock, North Dakota to “Stand in Solidarity” with the Dakota Sioux natives opposing the DAPL crossing of Lake Oahe and the Missouri River. She co-designed the workshop, “Thirsting for Justice-The Politics of Water”, presented at 2018 Assembly in Columbus OH. Her home church is St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, David City, where she serves as President of her local UMW group.


Most Meaningful Experience: Her most meaningful experience as a United Methodist Woman was her very first UMW meeting where she signed the Nestle Boycott. She had no idea these ordinary church women serving funeral dinners doubled as activists. At that time, UMW was the only organization in her small town, addressing women’s rights and women’s issues, speaking AND acting for justice. Louise says that United Methodist Women changed her life and continues to change the world.

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Billie L. Ray 

Central Texas Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: Billie became a United Methodist Woman to share her influence and improve quality of life for all women. On the local church level, she served at Grace UMC, Arlington, Texas, as UMW President for five years and was instrumental in increasing pledge to missions. Her work continued as an East District officer, serving on the Nomination committee. This led her to full tenure on the Central Texas Conference UMW leadership team, serving as secretary of program resources and membership, nurture and outreach, etc. She participated in Leadership Development Trainings, Regional Schools, Mission u Leadership Development, Mission u Dean for two years, increasing attendance and involving more youth and children in our Mission u weekend camp. This, along with initiating one-day mission studies in each district in Central Texas Conference, increased Mission u participation by 30% during her tenure. 


Most Meaningful Experience: Until quite recently, she would say her accomplishments as Mission u Dean have been her most meaningful experience, however, after retirement in 2012 from State Health Services and relocating to Round Rock, Texas, she discovered that her local church did not have a UMW unit. She felt lost not having the warm fellowship of UMW and started a new unit at Journey of Faith in Central Texas Conference, South District, now her most meaningful experience!

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Cynthia Rives

North Texas Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: Cynthia is currently a SCJ National Director.

Her current involvements include: Local unit VP and mentoring a new circle, District Leader for the Charter for Racial Justice Event, working with children and youth of the Clinton Indian Church/Community Center, on Planning Committee for the Texas Legislative Event, serving on the Texas Impact Board, Advisory Board for a new unit – Oasis Global Fellowship (Kenyan Americans) working with their leadership to strengthen and grow congregation and mission, mentoring conference Education & Interpretation Coordinators, working at the Texas border with UMW for justice and mercy for all, attending Honduras mission with UMW regional missionary/ Latin America (Andrea Reily Rocha Soares) to begin conversations and share information about UMW with Honduran UMC women.


Most Meaningful Experience: Cynthia recently sponsored young women to Mission u and was encouraged when one started a new UMW circle!  She is excited about these future leaders of UMW. United Methodist Women will be as different from what we are today, as we are from our predecessor organizations, but it’ll be good! The future UMW will still be a community of women whose purpose is to know God… Seeing their joy is most meaningful to Cynthia!

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Rosemary Roberts

Great Plains Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: She has served on local, district, conference, and national levels.  As a Program Advisory Group representative from the Great Plains Conference in the South Central Jurisdiction, she attended training events and conferences on current issues and programs. Communicating, distributing information, and representing UMW at all levels of service has been educational and challenging for her and inspirational to be a part of a creative, supportive fellowship of women in mission together, throughout the world.  She joined in celebrating our history and looks forward to responding to future changes by serving with bold, creative leaders.  


Most Meaningful Experience:  Rosemary fondly remembers when the “Great Plains” was created by blending three “legacy” conferences into one. Through this change, we have learned that the UMW purpose transcends boundaries and borders. At the annual meeting, Joyce Sohl, former UMW Deputy General Secretary, reminded everyone that “women have stood long and hard for the inclusiveness of our organization.” Then Lisa Maupin, a young UMW leader, spoke on “The League of Extraordinary, Unreasonable Women” who will lead us forward.

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Alexis Robinson

Missouri Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: Alexis’s involvement began as a child, observing her mother’s involvement at St James UMC in Fulton, Missouri. As an adult she moved to the St. Louis area and joined North Park UMC and joined their UMW unit, attending district and conference events which led to an appointment on the Missouri Conference UMW Legislation event Committee. She was later elected as her District MNO Coordinator, Nurture and Outreach Coordinator, E&I Coordinator and now serves on the SCJ Nominating Team. 


Most Meaningful Experience: She attended the UMW National Seminar in 2011 in Birmingham, Alabama. While there she worked in a blighted and recovering neighborhood with the Domestic Violence Center for women and children. 



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Pearl Thomas

Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: Pearl is an active lifelong member of the Honey Creek United Methodist Indian Church of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference. Her activities and involvement include being a local church Sunday school teacher and superintendent, administrative council chairperson, lay leader, lay delegate to OIMC Annual Conference and United Methodist Women local president; OIMC Conference lay delegate to the General Conference; representative to the United Methodist National Seminar; board member on the United Methodist Church General Council on Ministry; co-choir director for the All Indian Children’s Choir at the United Methodist General Conference; UMW Mission Education teacher on Native American studies; alternate delegate to South Central Jurisdiction United Methodist Conference where new Bishops were elected; board member on the United Methodist Church – Church and Society; OIMC United Methodist Women language coordinator to Voices: A Transformative Leadership Event; plus many other local, conference and national offices of the UMC and UMW. Also, she was featured on the Response Magazine cover April 2014.


Most Meaningful Experience: Pearl loved teaching at the UMW Mission u on Native Americans, Giving our Hearts Away and Missionary Conferences in the United Methodist Church, at the Regional School and at other Conference schools. She was able to share her story as a Native American and incorporate it into the studies. Good lifelong friendships were made during this journey.

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Pam Zwickey 

Northwest Texas Conference

Involvement in United Methodist Women: Pam has been very involved with UMW, currently serving as Conference President. She also was Communications Coordinator and Secretary of Program Resources.  She represented her conference on the National Legacy Committee. She teaches at Mission u as often as possible, primarily for the Spiritual Growth Studies. She has filled almost every office in her local unit, including two sessions as president and many as circle leader. She also enjoys speaking at UMW Sunday services throughout the conference. 


Most Meaningful Experience: Teaching at Mission u has provided Pam the most memorable experiences. She particularly remembers attitudes changing while teaching the Immigration and Bible study. Long held attitudes were set aside to consider another possibility.


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